There's a "marketing disease" that some local business owners have. It's called I-Want-It-Now-itis. They want to advertise a small amount...but they want big dividends immediately. But advertising doesn't work that way. Not in Sioux Falls, and not anywhere.
It's ok to start with a smaller budget, but then you need more time to make something good happen. Marketing is a process, not an event. When you advertise a sale or an event for the short-term, then you get very small, short-term returns. Then, when you want some new customers, you try it again later. And again. And again. You're always trying to think of some gimmick to grab the low-hanging fruit. But the best way to advertise is to allocate your budget for the long-term. You want to set a yearly budget. You want to sit down and think about how you're different from your competition. Your marketing messages need to give people a reason to choose you instead of a competitor. The thing that most don't get though is that your message needs to help people remember you when they need you. And most people (90% or more) don't need what you sell at this point in time. You want to advertise and market to those who may need you months from now or a year from now. Get in their heads early and often. Great things come to those who have patience with their marketing. Plus, a smart strategy that tells people what you stand for. Consumers like to do business with businesses they like and trust. So, your marketing should help build that trust with future customers. Be the one who says things in your marketing that enlightens your prospect. Make them go, "Hmmm, I didn't know that." Or "That's interesting and very helpful." Don't blab on in your marketing messages about yourself. Don't throw the same old un-impressive cliches out there that get ignored. Make your marketing budget count by saying things that have an impact on people. Get emotional. Talk to people about what THEY care about, not what YOU care about. I can help you craft a marketing plan and strategy that stands out and gets noticed. I'll help you be remembered. Whether you need ads written or designed, a website built, help with core customer email marketing, I'll help you get more for your marketing dollars and marketing efforts. One last note: Are you in business for the long haul...or just a couple of years? That's what I thought. Your marketing needs to be consistent, updated, fresh, and relentless. And when you get the ball just keeps getting better and better the longer you're "in the game". It's so much easier to attract a consistent flow of new customers...instead of a blitz here and a blitz there that may or may not even work. Don't splatter and sprinkle your marketing in a shoot from the hip, I-Want-It-Now-itis manner. It's not a winning tactic. Local Marketing Cafe Sioux Falls, SD Comments are closed.
Sioux Falls, SD
What you do, speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say. -Emerson Winning is like... you know... better than losing! |