"Your Website is Like Meeting with Someone without Even Being There"
(Think about that for a second if you don't think a website is very important)
9 Yards Marketing
Sioux Falls, SD
Sioux Falls, SD
Looking For A Website Builder Who Doesn't Leave You Hanging?
Local Website Design
Looking for a LOCAL website builder? We would love to help you out. We specialize in helping out small to medium-sized, local businesses with website design and SEO in Sioux Falls and surrounding areas.
Many of our clients have had "out-of-town" corporate companies handle their website in the past. Usually, they weren't thrilled with the design, and got frustrated with the lack of service and turnaround time on edits. When you work with 9 Yards Marketing, you don't just get a local website designer who is attentive to your needs... you also get a built-in marketing advisor.
Our expertise isn't just websites, it's in local marketing - figuring out how to cause more people to do business with YOU instead of your competition.
Many of our clients have had "out-of-town" corporate companies handle their website in the past. Usually, they weren't thrilled with the design, and got frustrated with the lack of service and turnaround time on edits. When you work with 9 Yards Marketing, you don't just get a local website designer who is attentive to your needs... you also get a built-in marketing advisor.
Our expertise isn't just websites, it's in local marketing - figuring out how to cause more people to do business with YOU instead of your competition.
Thank you. Now, I know why Sean speaks so highly of you.
-from a client that was referred to me from "Sean".
If your website designer doesn't have a background in Marketing, they're not going to give you what you actually need. They'll give you something pretty that doesn't perform like it should. It's one thing to get people TO your website... but the most important part is converting them into customers. There are also website builders that use almost the same template to build your site. And those sites aren't even very appealing. Such a disservice. When you work with us at 9 Yards, you're a priority. You're unique. And your website should be, too.
You either don't have a website, or yours needs an overhaul. Maybe it was done in 2004... or your neighbor kid build it. Whatever the reason, we're glad you're here.
If you'd like to know more about our website services, like website design and build, Search Engine Optimization, mobile-friendly website design, etc., then read on just a bit more. Orrrrr...
Or maybe you just want to skip to the part where we set up our first meeting about website design. We'd love to come see your business and take a peek at what makes you unique from your competition. But if you just want a price quote on a new website, give us a shout! We charge monthly. No set-up or design fees. And we're always working for you. Making changes to your website, adding content, checking web rankings (and looking to improve them), etc.
If you'd like to know more about our website services, like website design and build, Search Engine Optimization, mobile-friendly website design, etc., then read on just a bit more. Orrrrr...
Or maybe you just want to skip to the part where we set up our first meeting about website design. We'd love to come see your business and take a peek at what makes you unique from your competition. But if you just want a price quote on a new website, give us a shout! We charge monthly. No set-up or design fees. And we're always working for you. Making changes to your website, adding content, checking web rankings (and looking to improve them), etc.
How Do You Choose Someone to Build a New Website?
There are a lot of website builders in the Sioux Falls area. But most of those people aren't trying to help the small, local business. They're trying to land really big jobs. All the time. So, if they have to stop and help out a small business, it's a bit of a nuisance to them. But you know what? That's ok! That's why we only focus on the local businesses who haven't received much help. You don't want to spend an arm and a leg on everything - and you shouldn't have to. Let's have a chat. Keep reading below for "stuff you should know" about websites.
What if you’re thinking about building your own website through Google, Wix, GoDaddy, Weebly, etc.? Then, you have a lot of homework to do and many hours ahead of you. Especially, if you’d like your site to show up high in searches on Google. SEO is a tricky thing. Always changing. There are hundreds of items that need to be addressed in order to start ranking above your competition. But we can talk about that if you’re still considering a DIY website. I can take the hassle away without breaking the bank.
What if you’re thinking about building your own website through Google, Wix, GoDaddy, Weebly, etc.? Then, you have a lot of homework to do and many hours ahead of you. Especially, if you’d like your site to show up high in searches on Google. SEO is a tricky thing. Always changing. There are hundreds of items that need to be addressed in order to start ranking above your competition. But we can talk about that if you’re still considering a DIY website. I can take the hassle away without breaking the bank.
Do you need a website? Or a better one? A custom website that can be changed easily and without a bunch of hassle and extra fees? What about getting found by those "Google people"? And wouldn't it be nice if you never had to worry about your website again? How about if you weren't asked to do all the writing for your website? With me, you don't have to write a thing if you don't want to (or don't have the time).

Having a good local website is crucial today. But what IS a good website or website design? It's easy on the eyes, it's easy to navigate, and it's optimized properly so you can be found online easily. Your website also needs to simply provide the information people are looking for. And you need to organize that information in such a way that will persuade them to do business with YOU instead of someone else.
The sculpting of your website content is more important than what you've been told. Most website builders are "graphics" people by Trade. They can make nice logos and other fancy elements for your website, but they don't usually know how to write. The writing is a vital piece of your website's success. You want your website to convert lookers into sales, right? That's why we have to approach your website content with a marketer's eye. A copywriter's eye. A persuasive writer's eye. And also a designer's eye. That's 4 eyes. And we have them all!
The sculpting of your website content is more important than what you've been told. Most website builders are "graphics" people by Trade. They can make nice logos and other fancy elements for your website, but they don't usually know how to write. The writing is a vital piece of your website's success. You want your website to convert lookers into sales, right? That's why we have to approach your website content with a marketer's eye. A copywriter's eye. A persuasive writer's eye. And also a designer's eye. That's 4 eyes. And we have them all!
A Good Local Website Doesn't Have To Break The Bank
Cost? For most small to medium businesses... please don't spend 5 or 10 Large on a website. Please. Then, a couple years down the road, you're going to want a new or re-vamped website. So, you have to fork out another huge chunk of change. Eeesh. And what if you want to make some edits or additions to your website? More costs - every time. Talk to me about what I charge. You'll like the answer.
More costs. Do you know what it takes sometimes to get ranked on Page 1 of Google for your most optimum local search terms? A small army. Some small businesses are spending $1500 per MONTH to have someone or a company manage all of their web presence / social media / (insert something else weird that they don't even know what they're paying for). And that's not even what it cost them to have the website built! I don't want that to be you.
What if you could make a much much smaller payment each month? Like somewhere in the ballpark of $200 to $400 per month (depending on your needs)? And that included building your website, satisfaction guaranteed? Plus, all the optimization, Google My Business setup, YouTube and other social media setup if needed, general marketing advice, SEO services (getting you ranking well on Google), online listings added and fixed, etc.! That's what a 9 Yards Marketing website plan can do for you. We offer affordable websites for small to medium-sized businesses. Let's see if you're a good fit. We're not pushy. We just like to help good, local businesses succeed.
Why is it affordable? Because we don't believe in gouging people. We're here to help... We're not trying to make a few quick paydays and disappear from your life. If you go with us... we're in it to win it... with YOU.
And what if you always had all the updates necessary to keep your website being found by Google and the other Internet search engines? What about a new website design? Sure! You won't want to change it all of the time, but it's nice to freshen things up once in a while. You don't have to be stuck with the same web design for the next decade. And we'll always be thinking about what we can add to your website to help your prospects have a better experience. We'll always be monitoring your search engine rankings for the keywords that are relevant to you, and then make adjustments accordingly.
Yes. That's a load off of your shoulders. Never have to worry about whether you are doing everything you can to be found online. Never have to worry again on whether the "guts" of your website was updated properly so that you remain highly searchable online, locally. Never have to worry about whether your website is getting the overall attention it deserves.
Plus, your website will also be MOBILE-FRIENDLY. Meaning, it's easy to navigate and view on smart phones. Which is crucial in this day and age. And Google is now "penalizing" websites that aren't mobile-friendly (your online ranking will suffer). Let's not let that happen. And your mobile/smartphone friendly website is no extra charge. It's built in. But some website builders focus the look of your website to be best viewed on a smart phone. That usually makes the desktop version of your website look a little "off". The type is too small or the background looks wonky. There's a happy medium there that I find and can make adjustments to your mobile site to be easy to navigate, look good, and easy on the eyes.
We want YOU to have the best service possible and the best chance to have a custom website that tells the proper story about your business and all the wonderful things you do. Because a website is so much more than design. People tend to get the idea in their head that they need the fanciest graphics and motion on their site. But the reality is... that gets distracting. It takes away from what people are trying to find on your website. They just want their experience on your site to be easy and to have their online searching needs satisfied. A site with too many bells and whistles will not sell your product or service better. It may do the opposite.
More costs. Do you know what it takes sometimes to get ranked on Page 1 of Google for your most optimum local search terms? A small army. Some small businesses are spending $1500 per MONTH to have someone or a company manage all of their web presence / social media / (insert something else weird that they don't even know what they're paying for). And that's not even what it cost them to have the website built! I don't want that to be you.
What if you could make a much much smaller payment each month? Like somewhere in the ballpark of $200 to $400 per month (depending on your needs)? And that included building your website, satisfaction guaranteed? Plus, all the optimization, Google My Business setup, YouTube and other social media setup if needed, general marketing advice, SEO services (getting you ranking well on Google), online listings added and fixed, etc.! That's what a 9 Yards Marketing website plan can do for you. We offer affordable websites for small to medium-sized businesses. Let's see if you're a good fit. We're not pushy. We just like to help good, local businesses succeed.
Why is it affordable? Because we don't believe in gouging people. We're here to help... We're not trying to make a few quick paydays and disappear from your life. If you go with us... we're in it to win it... with YOU.
And what if you always had all the updates necessary to keep your website being found by Google and the other Internet search engines? What about a new website design? Sure! You won't want to change it all of the time, but it's nice to freshen things up once in a while. You don't have to be stuck with the same web design for the next decade. And we'll always be thinking about what we can add to your website to help your prospects have a better experience. We'll always be monitoring your search engine rankings for the keywords that are relevant to you, and then make adjustments accordingly.
Yes. That's a load off of your shoulders. Never have to worry about whether you are doing everything you can to be found online. Never have to worry again on whether the "guts" of your website was updated properly so that you remain highly searchable online, locally. Never have to worry about whether your website is getting the overall attention it deserves.
Plus, your website will also be MOBILE-FRIENDLY. Meaning, it's easy to navigate and view on smart phones. Which is crucial in this day and age. And Google is now "penalizing" websites that aren't mobile-friendly (your online ranking will suffer). Let's not let that happen. And your mobile/smartphone friendly website is no extra charge. It's built in. But some website builders focus the look of your website to be best viewed on a smart phone. That usually makes the desktop version of your website look a little "off". The type is too small or the background looks wonky. There's a happy medium there that I find and can make adjustments to your mobile site to be easy to navigate, look good, and easy on the eyes.
We want YOU to have the best service possible and the best chance to have a custom website that tells the proper story about your business and all the wonderful things you do. Because a website is so much more than design. People tend to get the idea in their head that they need the fanciest graphics and motion on their site. But the reality is... that gets distracting. It takes away from what people are trying to find on your website. They just want their experience on your site to be easy and to have their online searching needs satisfied. A site with too many bells and whistles will not sell your product or service better. It may do the opposite.
What's The Goal Of Your Website?
A 9 Yards Marketing website gives you the freedom to do what you love to do - run your business - instead of it running you. Your site will always be up to date and optimized. Business owners used to spend thousands every month to be in those fat yellow page directories - but not any more. The lion's share of the yellow page budgets is all online now. Why do you think that when you get a call from the yellow pages now, they don't even mention putting an ad in their directory? They're trying to push you to be on their online directory. Really? Please don't pay them any money for that. Please don't let them fool you with techy jargon and make you think you have to spend money with them to be found online. It's not true. The only big dog you need to be worried about to be found online is Google. Ok... Bing, too.
If you need a major overhaul with your online directory listings and citations, we'll talk to you about that. Accuracy is important when it comes to all the places your business is listed online. Because if Yelp shows one address, and CitySearch shows something different (or phone number, URL, business name spelling, etc.), then that can "ding you" in your rankings online. Maybe you moved a few times, maybe you have a different website address. Either way, let's check your listings and see if we need to make some fixes. And you probably could use some more citations added. It all helps your SEO.
But we can handle it all for you. You can rest easy knowing it's all taken care of.
So, it's important to have a great-looking and optimized, custom website and web presence. But you don't have to know all the "ins and outs". Confusion runs rampant regarding websites and online "stuff". But that's ok. It just means you need someone who can take care of things for you - but also who can explain things to you in a clear, concise, and non-confusing manner.
Let's get the ball rolling and get a bunch of eyeballs onto YOUR WEBSITE instead of someone else's, eh?
If you need a major overhaul with your online directory listings and citations, we'll talk to you about that. Accuracy is important when it comes to all the places your business is listed online. Because if Yelp shows one address, and CitySearch shows something different (or phone number, URL, business name spelling, etc.), then that can "ding you" in your rankings online. Maybe you moved a few times, maybe you have a different website address. Either way, let's check your listings and see if we need to make some fixes. And you probably could use some more citations added. It all helps your SEO.
But we can handle it all for you. You can rest easy knowing it's all taken care of.
So, it's important to have a great-looking and optimized, custom website and web presence. But you don't have to know all the "ins and outs". Confusion runs rampant regarding websites and online "stuff". But that's ok. It just means you need someone who can take care of things for you - but also who can explain things to you in a clear, concise, and non-confusing manner.
Let's get the ball rolling and get a bunch of eyeballs onto YOUR WEBSITE instead of someone else's, eh?

Tri-State Garage Door is a website, radio advertising, and social media client. But we also did a logo and slogan for them. The owners and employees are great people! We usually sub out logo design to a business here in Sioux Falls that I really like and trust. But we had an idea for Tri-State and ran with it to save them a little money. Need a logo? Website? Slogan? Local Marketing? Let's talk.