The Trick To SEO is...There's really no trick. It's doing the things that need to be done to find favor with Google (or other search engines like Bing). Sure there is a list of SEO tasks that need to be done when setting up a website properly to start improving your online rankings, but that's just one part of the puzzle.
The harder part is the content on your website. When creating and writing content for your website, you need to be mindful of the user. Meaning, how will your words, videos, and pictures help your website visitor best understand HOW YOU CAN HELP THEM? Your content needs to be as original and unique as it can be. Write content from your expert perspective, not by copying some other website. Google rewards websites with higher rankings when it gives the online user a good experience, doesn't confuse them, is clear with the message, and has the best interest of the website visitor in mind. Think about why someone needs your product or services. Then, write your content with them in mind, not you. All a website visitor cares about is THEM. They want to solve their problem. And they're looking for the business to help them that seems the least risky and most trustworthy and competent. And when the user has a better experience and learns more and visits more pages for longer periods of time on your website... then Google rewards you for that with better rankings. It's just one part of the complicated equation (or Google algorithm). Take carpet cleaning for example. There are a billion jillion carpet cleaners out there. You can't copy a typical carpet cleaners website and hope that yours will stand out. What do people need when they're searching for a good carpet cleaner? They need clean carpets, of course. But what else? They want to know they're hiring a company that will do right by them. Remember, they've been burned before by other service businesses. Whether it was an invoice that was a lot higher than the quote they were given or a certain job was not done to their satisfaction. Your potential new customers are skittish. They're careful. They're looking for any reason to back out of your website and find someone new. So, they're also looking for a few good reasons to start trusting you. Don't be afraid to get out of the box a little with your website content. Be transparent. Be human. People want a human connection. They want to know that you may have the same values as they do. Minor side-note: Good video is a great way to help your website stand out and be very helpful to visitors. 2 things happen when your website's content is original, human, and helpful: 1) It will start ranking higher in the search engines like Google. Because it is seen as a helpful tool for consumers to find a good product or service to solve their current problem. 2) You'll convert more of those visitors to your website into customers because you've been helpful, honest, human, and not the same-old-same-old. When you talk to a person's felt needs, then you're already 10 steps ahead of the business who only pounds their chest and talks about themselves. And did you notice I didn't "keyword stuff" the term SEO into this post all over the place? It's because keyword stuffing is just one of those tricks that may have worked 15 or 20 years ago... but doesn't anymore. Google is smart. They're always dialing in on how to reward local websites that seem to provide helpful information and a good user experience. Should we get started on helping you rise up in the ranks of Google? Duane Christensen 9 Yards Marketing Sioux Falls, SD 605.940.7984 [email protected] Comments are closed.
Sioux Falls, SD
What you do, speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say. -Emerson Winning is like... you know... better than losing! |