Local Marketing and Advertising Book
9 Yards Marketing
![]() Have you ever picked up any kind of advertising and marketing book? Usually, they're for the bigger companies. The huge behemoth companies who have at least a million or $100 million in their ad budget. That "typical" advertising and marketing book will include case studies about large entities who have ZERO in common with the local, small to medium-sized business like you.
MY BOOK will provide you with a quick, no-nonsense education regarding your advertising and marketing. You'll be able to make changes to your marketing plans almost immediately...and either start saving money... making more money... or hopefully BOTH! Do you know what's working or not working? And if something works or doesn't work... do you know WHY? This book can help. And there's no "corporate speak" or cliche language and industry jargon. The digital version is available on Amazon for just $2.99. And if that's too steep of a price for you, I'll loan you my digital version! What percentage of the pie do you own in your town or trade area? Meaning... what percentage of business do you do in your city in your business category? If you're #1 - congratulations! Now... everyone is clawing and scratching to take business from YOU. Do you know how to remain #1? But what if you're #4 or #18 in your market? How do you climb the ranks? Are you throwing dollars into advertising using the "Hope and Pray" method? Or do you have a strategic plan? I'm assuming you may just need a little guidance. And that's hard to find. Especially when "Ad People" seem like all they want to do is SELL you something... and then run for the hills (because they know it's not going to work). Your challenge is attracting new faces. And your advertising in the past has given you dreadful results. This marketing and advertising book will help you understand that your past advertising had major flaws and also what to do about that. Your proactive competitors are hoping you keep on thinking that word-of-mouth is enough. Because if that's the case, you'll be struggling very soon, if you're not already. Take the bull by the horns and make something happen. Learn how to dramatically improve your advertising efforts... and grow your business. You CAN "take a bigger slice" of the market. And you can start doing that right now. 110 pages. Easy reading. No sugar-coating. |
Contact me if you'd like to discuss a marketing plan or a website for your small business.